Students will receive increased access to the Microsoft 365 suite, providing a significant uplift in collaboration capabilities.  

New collaboration capabilities

Microsoft 365 will improve students and staff’s ability to:  

  • communicate online 

  • share files using OneDrive cloud storage 

  • co-create and edit shared documents 

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Digital transformation adoption events for staff

Staff are invited to a pair of upcoming training workshops on how to best utilise Microsoft 365. 

  • UQ Digital Tools and Microsoft 365 Overview
  • Microsoft Teams Overview
  • Storage and file sharing in Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Teams for Team Owners

For each workshop, multiple sessions will be held. Dates to be advised.

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Student email account migration to shared infrastructure

To enable student access to Microsoft 365, student email accounts will be migrated to the same infrastructure as staff email in batches from the 16-24 June 2024.   The expanded access to the Microsoft 365 suite for students will be available by Orientation week Semester 2 2024.

There will be no direct impact to staff email or Microsoft 365 services during the migration. However, as part of this program of work we will provide guidance to staff on what to expect when current students move into the same infrastructure as staff.  

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Frequently asked questions

What is happening and why? 

When will student mailbox be moved? 

Student mailboxes are being moved in batches during 2024. We will notify students when their mailbox will be moved. After their mailbox is moved, we will notify them that their mailbox move has been completed.

How will this affect me? 

There will be no direct impact to staff email or Microsoft 365 services during the migration.

How will you communicate with students? 

  • Emails will be sent to students’ email accounts or their alternative email addresses stored in my.UQ if they cannot be reached on their student email account. 

  • Messages will be shared via social media.

Microsoft Teams for Teaching and learning

Do I need to use Teams in my teaching?

No, using Microsoft Teams is completely optional. The decision to use Teams is at the discretion of the Course Coordinators. More information is available on Microsoft Teams for Teaching and Learning Deployment.

I am a student and a staff member

Logging in to Microsoft 365 as a student 

When you login to UQ systems and Microsoft 365, use the UQ credentials for your requirements - as a student or a staff member. 

To access any student-only resources, or make any enquiries about your studies or program, login with your student UQ account e.g. 

For staff-related activities, login with your staff UQ account e.g. 

It is recommended that you use different internet browsers for each account. 

We suggest the following: 

  • for your student account, use Chrome 

  • for your staff account (PhD), use Firefox 

*Note: Safari & Edge browsers have been known to have issues with certain UQ web pages, thus we recommend using Chrome & Firefox. 

Can I merge my student and staff email accounts?  

No. The student and staff accounts are different and have different policies associated with each.

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For more information

If you have any questions or concerns about the proposed changes, please share them with us through ITS Support

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