FAQs for past students
The University is conducting a range of necessary updates to some of the technology we use. Part of this work included changes to the UQ email service. As a past student and potential user of the UQ email service, the following frequently asked questions may be of interest.
How will I be affected?
As a past student who graduated prior to 2024, there will be no changes to your UQ mailbox. New UQ graduates joining the alumni community from 2024 onwards will no longer retain a UQ mailbox but will be offered an ongoing email forwarding service to an email address of their choosing.
Are you retiring the email service for alumni?
No, the University does not plan to retire the email service for alumni and past students.
Do I need to do anything?
No, you do not need to take any action. You should have recently received a communication from us to your UQ email inbox to reassure you that you will not be impacted by the changes to the UQ email service.
What will happen to my past student email address if I become a student again?
If you return to UQ to study, you will be given a new student mailbox and a new student email address, @student.uq.edu.au (e.g., from jo.bloggs@uq.net.au to jo.bloggs@student.uq.edu.au). Your existing UQ alumni email service will continue as normal. Email sent to @student.uq.edu.au will be delivered to your new student mailbox.