Microsoft collaboration at UQ
There are several projects and initiatives at UQ encouraging improved collaboration using Microsoft 365 (M365) tools.
Productivity Tips community
- The community meets once a month for a presentation from a community member.
- Recent sessions focussed on Microsoft Forms, appointments in Outlook and Teams, and OneNote.
Microsoft 365 Viva Engage
- A space on Viva Engage (previously Yammer) to share news, ask questions, and celebrate milestones relating to M365.
Microsoft 365 Change Champions Network
- The M365 Change Champions Network is open to any university staff member who wants to play an active role in developing digital capability at UQ.
- The network meet formally once a month. Between meetings, Change Champions are given the opportunity to contribute to new training, change management and communication.
Enhanced M365 for students
- Migrating student accounts to the staff Microsoft tenant will allow staff and students to use the same Microsoft services and seamlessly collaborate.
M365 adoption
- Support adoption of M365 applications in day-to-day work through multiple approaches.
Systems Training Hub
- M365 training material is published on the Systems Training Hub.
- This includes how-to guides, informative blogs, and links to further resources from Microsoft.
Workday courses
- Digital Tools at UQ and Microsoft 365 Overview.
- Microsoft Teams Overview.