Microsoft 365 services for students

UQ student mailboxes have been migrated to the main UQ Microsoft 365 (M365) environment. This has resulted in expanded access to M365 tools, facilitating opportunities for seamless collaboration among students and staff. It also supports the co-creation of documents and enables learning from any location.

Prior to the migration, a portion of current students who had previously graduated from UQ were able to retain their alumni mailboxes. Consequently, a new, empty student mailbox was created for them in the main UQ M365 environment.

The following outlines the details of this mailbox setup.

You have:

  • Two UQ mailboxes

  • Two UQ Microsoft 365 accounts 

Email while studying

New student mailbox

Existing alumni mailbox

Email after graduating

New student mailbox

This mailbox will be removed after you leave UQ. However, you can forward future email to a personal email address of your choice.

  • You need to save and export any data you have in your UQ mailbox you wish to retain as your Microsoft 365 account and data will be removed after you leave UQ. 

  • After you leave UQ, future emails sent to your UQ student email addresses can be forwarded to a personal email address of your choice. 

default option comparing where email will be delivered while studying and after graduating.

  • You can continue to send new email from your existing address (send from alumni mailbox) or as (send from student mailbox)  

  • Your alumni mailbox (receiving, sending and content) will remain active after you leave UQ for as long as you access the service. 

  • You will need to manage two mailboxes and Microsoft 365 accounts (access, configuration and switching between them). 

  • To log on to both accounts at the same time with a web browser, you will need to use two different browsers or incognito mode. 

  • Emails will be delivering to two separate locations unless you forward your email.  

  • If you forward your student mailbox to your alumni mailbox and only use your alumni mailbox, it may complicate integration with Microsoft 365 student services. 

  • If you forward your alumni mailbox to your student mailbox and only use your student mailbox, you will need to manually copy any existing mail from your alumni mailbox to your student mailbox or access pre-existing emails separately. 


AskUs (Students)